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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Robert Bunsen

iseng iseng di skul kemaren buka google buat nyari beberapa artikel unik. eh, gatau nya begitu buka halaman mbah google aku malah nemu ini
celebrating Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday *buset tua amit*
nah, ngomong2 soal mbah Robert Bunsen, aku juga nemu artikel nya

Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen (31 March 1811 – 16 August 1899)adalah seorang ahli kima dari Jerman yang meneliti spectrum dari unsur – unsur yang dipanaskan.
Robert Bunsen merupakan anak bungsu dari empat saudara seorang Profesor bahasa Modern di Universitas Göttingen, Jerman . Robert Bunsen dibesarkan dilingkungan akademik sehingga sejak kecil mempunyai minat dan ketertarikan terhadap ilmu pengetahuan sangat tinggi.
Pada usia 19 tahun Robert Bunson berhasil meraih gelar Doktor dan mendapat sebutan sebagai pelopor dalam bidang fotokimia. Selain berjasa dalam pengembangan fotokimia beliu juga bekerja sama dengan rekannya yang berasal dari Jerman bernama Gustav Kirchhoff menemukan unsur Cesium ( 1860) atau dalam symbol kimianya Cs ( 55Cs), dan Rubidium dengan symbol kimia Rb (37Rb) ditemukan pada tahun (1861).
Casium dan Rabidium merupakan materi yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan karena mengandung radioaktif tetapi yang sangat bermanfaat dan digunakan dalam aplikasi medis, hidrologi, dan alat ukur.

Robert Bunsen

Born 30see below March 1811
Göttingen, Kingdom of Westphalia, Confederation of the Rhine (present-day Göttingen, Germany)
Died 16 August 1899(1899-08-16) (aged 88)
Heidelberg, Grand Duchy of Baden, Imperial Germany (present-day Heidelberg, Germany)
Residence Germany

Chemistry (career)

Geology and Mineralogy (retirement)
Institutions Polytechnic School of Kassel
University of Marburg
University of Heidelberg
University of Breslau
Alma mater University of Göttingen
Doctoral advisor Friedrich Stromeyer
Doctoral students

Adolf von Baeyer
Fritz Haber
Philipp Lenard
Georg Ludwig Carius
Hermann Kolbe
Adolf Lieben
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig
Viktor Meyer
Friedrich Konrad Beilstein
Henry Enfield Roscoe
John Tyndall
Edward Frankland
Dmitri Mendeleev
Thomas Edward Thorpe

Francis Robert Japp
Known for Discovery of cacodyl radical; discoveries of caesium and rubidium. Invention of the Bunsen burner; carbon-zinc electrochemical cell; methods of gas analysis; development of spectrochemical analysis
Notable awards Copley medal (1860)

Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen (30see below March 1811 – 16 August 1899) was a German chemist. He investigated emission spectra of heated elements, and discovered caesium (in 1860) and rubidium (in 1861) with Gustav Kirchhoff. Bunsen developed several gas-analytical methods, was a pioneer in photochemistry, and did early work in the field of organoarsenic chemistry. With his laboratory assistant, Peter Desaga, he developed the Bunsen burner, an improvement on the laboratory burners then in use. The Bunsen–Kirchhoff Award for spectroscopy is named after Bunsen and Kirchhoff.

Kamu udah ngakses Google hari ini? Heran? Kaget? atau mangap2 kena serangan jantung kaget ama logo Google yang berubah menjadi tabung-tabung seperti pada laboratorium kimia? Ada apa dengan Google.??

Hari ini (31/3), Google merayakan ulang tahun (genep) ke-200 ahli kimia Robert Bunsen yang sebenernya jatohnya hari kemaren dr semenjak trit ini ane buat. Google pun mengubah logonya menjadi tabung-tabung kimia. kalo kamu nanyak2 "Siapa sih Robert Bunsen" Okke, Do'i merupakan seorang ahli kimia asal Jerman.

Bunsen terkenal berkat ciptaannya, pembakar Bunsen, yang saat ini digunakan di seluruh laboratorium di seluuuuuruh dunia. Gan, Di logo Google hari ini,‘G’ sebenarnya adalah gambar pembakar Bunsen.

Om Bunsen juga berhasil (selamat ya ) mengembangkan cara yang sangat akurat untuk menganalisa gas yang disebut ‘metode Gasometrik’.

Nama lengkapnya Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen lahir pada 30 Maret 1811 pas Mbah ane baru belajar ngesot tuh.

Ahli kimia ini meninggal pada 1899. Meski telah meninggal, nama ahli kimia ini akan terus hidup di dunia persilatan , eh.. KIMIA ding...

Medali Robert Bunsen pun diberikan tiap tahunnya pada kontributor di bidang geokimia, meneralogi, petrologi, dan vulkanologi oleh European Geosciences Union.
Happy Birthday Robert Bunsen.!

German chemist who, with Gustav Kirchhoff, about 1859 observed that each element emits a light of characteristic wavelength. (These studies opened the field of spectrum analysis, important in the study of the Sun and stars.) With this tool, Bunsen soon discovered two new elements: cesium and rubidium. He developed several techniques used in separating, identifying, and measuring various chemical substances. He also made a number of improvements in chemical batteries for use in isolating quantities of pure metals, (one is known as the Bunsen battery). His Bunsen burner was created for use in flame tests of various metals and salts because its nonluminous flame did not interfere with the colored flame given off by the test material.

At the moment I am occupied by an investigation with Kirchoff which does not allow us to sleep. Kirchoff has made a totally unexpected discovery, inasmuch as he has found out the cause for the dark lines in the solar spectrum and can produce these lines artificially intensified both in the solar spectrum and in the continuous spectrum of a flame, their position being identical with that of Fraunhofer’s lines. Hence the path is opened for the determination of the chemical composition of the Sun and the fixed stars.

At the moment I am occupied by an investigation with Kirchoff which does not allow us to sleep. Kirchoff has made a totally unexpected discovery, inasmuch as he has found out the cause for the dark lines in the solar spectrum and can produce these lines artificially intensified both in the solar spectrum and in the continuous spectrum of a flame, their position being identical with that of Fraunhofer’s lines. Hence the path is opened for the determination of the chemical composition of the Sun and the fixed stars.

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